Muffins and Mimosas in the Museum: A Beginners Guide to Collecting
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11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Please join us as we welcome Doug Franson, the Assistant Director of the Segura Arts Studio to talk about starting a collection with prints  You have decided that instead of just buying art, you want to have a well thought out art collection that can be admired by others and you can take pride in for years to come. But where do you start? What types of art will you purchase?

Drawing, prints, and photographs are the perfect start or addition to your art collection because of the accessibility and entry-level price points. These mediums offer an affordable way to collect bigger name artists as well as an intimate look into their process, life, and story. This event will be a brief guide to the types of two-dimensional artworks you can purchase on paper and how to add them to your collection.

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