Images of Social Justice from the Segura Arts Studio
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10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

The Segura exhibit will feature a variety of artists and subjects that will truly be emotionally provoking and educationally stimulating.

A background on the Segura Arts Studio: In 1981 Joe Segura founded the Segura Publishing Company in Tempe, Arizona to produce the works of underrepresented artists, with a particular interest in Hispanic art.  The company has since become known for its promotion of minority artists, exploration of photographic techniques and an outstanding collaborative environment.  Over its 30 year history, and with the leadership of Joe Segura and his team, the Segura Publishing company has collaborated with many artists and produced numerous pieces of art.  The company has had a profound impact on the art community by both offering the opportunities to produce works to underrepresented populations and by promoting their works and pushing them into the mainstream art community.

The Clay Center looks forward to partnering with a myriad of community organizations whose missions directly apply to subjects being showcased in the displayed artwork.

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