FOOTMAD Contra Dance
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7:00 PM

What is “contra dancing”?

It is an evening of fun, featuring dancing in “sets” of about a dozen couples.

You interact with your partner, and everyone else in the set too, as you dance with easy walking steps to energetic LIVE string band music.

A caller first explains the movements and then prompts you during the dance (as in square dancing).

Contra dance is descended from English Country dance and has been done in this country since before the revolution. In fact, George Washington was a contra dancer. Contra dance is similar to square dancing, but is done in long lines of couples (like the Virginia Reel) rather than in squares.

An evening might also feature square dances and couple dances (waltzes and polkas, for instance).

FOOTMAD Old-Time Dance 
2nd Saturdays (September thru June) – 7 PM
Next dance: 9 September 2017
Columbia Pipeline Group
1700 MacCorkle Ave SE

Beginner intro do dance – 6:45 pm

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