Dejáme Florecer Una Vez Más/ Allow Me to Flower One More Time : An Evening with Visiting Artist Claudia Bernardi
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6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Claudia Bernardi is an internationally known artist who works in the fields of art, human rights and social justice. She has focused her art practice on developing and facilitating community and collaborative art projects working with and in collaboration with communities that have suffered state terror, violence, forced exiles and who are victims of human rights violations.

Bernardi’s lecture at The Juliet Art Museum will focus on some of her most recent collaborative and community art projects. Since 2014, Claudia has worked with undocumented Central American minors detained in the United States, the Yurok Tribe in Northern California, and victims of police brutality in Argentina. Bernardi works with these groups to vibrant create large scale public murals, helping them to heal from their experiences through the process.

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